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What You Need to Know About Natural Prebiotics For Cats

What You Need to Know About Natural Prebiotics For Cats

There are many factors that come into play when you consider the health and wellbeing of your cat. An optimal diet full of high-quality food, plenty of exercise, and of course love and affection are just the start. You also want to keep an eye on other issues, including their digestion.

Prebiotics for cats are important because they aid in the overall digestive process and ensure that your pet doesn’t develop digestive complications due to stress, an unhealthy diet, or anything else. Finding the right prebiotic that is safe and effective is important if you want to make sure your cat’s needs are being met fully.

In this simple guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about prebiotics, including which ones may be best for your cat and why they need them in the first place.

What is a Prebiotic?

First, it would probably help to know just what a prebiotic is. Generally speaking, a prebiotic is anything that aids gut bacteria with the intent for improved digestion.

If you are not already aware, digestion relies on a complex process and symbiotic relationship with various bacteria. This is as true for cats as it is for humans. Our digestive tract is littered with an array of different bacteria species that help break down the food we eat and help us get all of our nutrients. Bacteria also help in the defense of our body, by fighting off foreign bacteria during the digestive process as well.

While these bacteria are not technically a part of our body, we would not be able to survive without them. This is true for most animals, as each species has a different digestive microbiome that relies on a delicate interplay between our cells and various bacterial species.

These bacteria require their own food or fuel to grow and reproduce. They aren’t supported by everything that we eat and require specific nutrients to stay healthy and flourishing. The bacterial environment of your cat functions nearly the same, as certain nutrients or foods will promote a healthy gut microbiome, while other substances such as chemical additives may actually harm or deplete these bacteria.

A prebiotic is essentially optimized food specifically for these bacteria so that they stay healthy and can continue to aid in the digestive process. Without them, digestive complications can arise such as gas, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and poor nutrient absorption.

Why Do Cats Need Prebiotics?

Prebiotics for cats are important because despite how much attention we pay to the diet of our pet, we may not be giving them everything they need to prevent digestive issues from arising. Digestive complications in domestic cats are actually quite common, especially in old age, and the symptoms can range in severity from barely noticeable to debilitating.

While not all of these issues are caused by a lack of proper gut bacteria, this can often be a culprit. This is because we aren’t always able to provide our pets with the exact kind of diet or nutrients that they would be getting in a natural environment. When it comes to the exact mix of nutrients and herbs that a cat would have access to in the wild, most pet food may fall short.

Prebiotics can help “fill in the gaps” of your cat’s diet by providing them with beneficial plant-based nutrients that they may not be receiving in their diet. This in turn feeds their gut microbiome and may alleviate the symptoms of various digestive problems such as gas and diarrhea.

Herbal prebiotics are also effective because there is very little risk of any issues or side effects from administering them. They are merely formulated to help support gut bacteria and nothing more, which means that your cat would no doubt benefit from them even if they are not showing any hard signs of digestive upset. Prebiotics for cats can be used on a regular basis as part of your pet’s wellness routine in order to maintain healthy digestion and stay strong and regular through old age.

Where to Find High-Quality Herbal Prebiotics For Your Pet

If you are concerned at all about the digestive health of your cat or simply want to bolster their diet with an herbal formula that will keep them regular, you will find what you need right here in our store. At Animal Essentials, we specialize in crafting beneficial herbal formulas for your pets, whether it’s to aid in their digestion or keep their allergies at bay, we have blends that address a wide range of issues.

For more information on whether our Healthy Gut or other herbal products are right for your cat, simply give us a call at 888-581-0416 today and we would be happy to help you ensure that your cat is feeling his or her best with one of our impactful products!

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